Monday, June 18, 2012

One Special Daddy

Daddy's girls
Yesterday, my husband celebrated his ninth Father's Day.

Yesterday, my girls and I celebrated another year with the most amazingly perfect father I could ever dream of for my girls.

My husband's easy-going, rational, imperturbable demeanor is the perfect compliment to my delirious, overdramatic, and often rash self.  He is the best part of my day, my partner in crime, and the lighthouse that keeps me going in the right direction when life offers distractions and disappointments.  He is the one thing I can always count on, no matter what.  He keeps my feet firmly planted in reality.  He inspires me to be my best self and encourages me to do things I wouldn't have the confidence to try on my own.  I know I would be less without him.  He is my perfect mate.

To our girls, my husband is everything.  He is a rockstar!  He is their audience, and makes them feel like rockstars too!  He is their safety net when learning new skills.  He is their teacher of all things outdoors.  He motivates them to try new things, simply by being Dad.  He patiently listens when they chatter.  He hugs them when they cry.  He is their fearless leader.  He is the first person with whom they want to share exciting news.  He is their role model, and they understand hard work and dedication because of him.  He is their superhero, and can save them when they are sure all is lost.  He is understanding of their special needs, even when the world we live in is not.  He is their playmate and jungle gym.  He is the man by which all other men in their lives are measured.  He is a little crazy and a lot of fun!  He is Daddy, and no higher honor can be achieved in the eyes of our girls.

This year's Father's Day cards to Hubby seem to give some insight as to what Daddy means to each of us here at the Crazy Train, so I thought I'd share.

To Birdie, Dad is the ultimate prankster, and she is always making a joke with him.  This year, she picked out her Father's Day card to be from the dog, as a joke.

Cute, huh?
She really cracked herself up with this one.  :)

To Princess, Dad is her first true love and Prince.

It says: I love U just like the USA! Which is a lot!
Who can argue with that?

To me, Hubby is all that, and a bag of chips...

...and deserving of celebration, on Father's Day and every day!

We love you, honey-- even if we are rubbing off on you a little!

Family photo, Crazy Train style

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Sounds like you have a good one on your hands :) As a mom to twins (4 kids total) and 3 with special needs, I know just what kind of man it takes to help run your home. Fortunately, I've been blessed with one, too!! Happy Father's Day to him... and may God richly bless you and your family!
