Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I'm the Look@Her Guest this Week!

This week, it is my privilege to be the featured mom in Ms. Mommy HH6's "Look@Her" column!  

Say hi to Ms. Mommy HH6!
For those of you that have been following my blog from the beginning, you may have noticed that I haven't really delved a whole lot into Princess and Birdie's diagnosis stories.  If you have been curious about our diagnosis journey, this Look@Her article may scratch that itch for you.  It's definitely worth checking out!  

You know what else is worth checking out?! Ms. Mommy HH6's blog-- that's what!  She has something for everyone on her blog, whether your a mom, special needs mom, military wife, or a girl just looking for the 411 on new products.  Take some time after you've read about me *hint hint*, and click around her site as well.  :)

So without further ado, click here and read my profile feature on Ms. Mommy HH6!


  1. Congrats Christina! You deserve all the accolades you get, for you rock, my friend!! :)


  2. Hip hip....hurray!!!!! Congrats Chris! Well-deserved and great post. The pics of the girls as babies is soooooo cute. Then could they not be. :)

