Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankfulness Is A Matter of Perspective

*borrowed imaged*

I am not going to bore you to death with a long, drawn out post about how I'm thankful for family and friends, not being cold or hungry, and not being broke.  If you have been anywhere near a blog or Facebook in the last month, you have seen these trite sentiments more times than you can count.  It's not that I'm knocking trite sentiments (much), but you, my friends, know that I am thankful for these things!  Anyone worth their salt would be!

What I am going to share with you are the things that I am surprised I am thankful for.  There are a few things that I would never ever have suspected in a million years that I could be grateful for, but upon reflection I have realized these things have made my life better in some meaningful or impactful way.  You probably have a few of these surprising sources of gratitude in your life, too-- you just need to turn things on their ear for a moment and look at them from a different angle.

Delirious Mom's Trite-Free Thankful List

  1. I am thankful for... STICKERS?!!  Stickers keep my girls focused on good behavior in school like no threats or screaming can.  They are an integral part in averting meltdowns and encouraging organization.  And they're cheap.  
  2. I am thankful that my 50-lb. bulldog is litter box trained.  You've seen pictures of Buddy-- does he look like he likes to take a walk?!  Add his limited stamina to his temperature sensitivity and grass allergy, and a walk becomes something of a farce with Buddy.  I am glad I can just leave his lazy ass (and mine) on the couch as long as his little heart desires.
  3. I am thankful that I am surrounded by crazy people in my life.  My co-workers, friends, and family members-- all of whom are completely nuts-- bring perspective and levity into my life on a daily basis.  I wouldn't be happy without their insanity, especially since their crazy sometimes rivals even the Crazy Train's!
  4. I am thankful that I'm not (usually) overly emotional.  Typically, I'm not a cryer.  I tend to be a little distant or analytical most of the time-- some accuse me of being cold, even-- but it affords me the opportunity to laugh when others might cry in frustration.
  5. I am thankful that I no longer get carded for booze.  I used to get a little offended when I would get carded, because I worried that I was looking my age.  Now, however, I appreciate not having to delay the arrival of my margarita or glass of wine.  If I'm ordering it, I want it RIGHT NOW!
  6. I am thankful that my kids have my awful temper-- and yes, I know that's weird.  I have two good reasons, though.  One, I know that if anyone ever does anything to physically intrude upon my daughters (inappropriate touching, rough-housing, etc.), they will respond explosively and violently (like I do) and will not be victims.  I personally think this is a great side effect of my temper.  The rest of my temper is... ummm... undesirable, to say the least.  When I see my girls explode in a fit of uncontrollable rage, and begin to bubble over like a volcano of fury, I feel bad for them.  However, it is these tantrums for which I am thankful.  I see my tiny little rage machines churning out destruction and I realize what an asshole I must be when I act like that.  Witnessing their tempers makes me want to not be that person anymore, and I am better able to keep my temper in check (most days).
  7. I am thankful that I have caller ID.  (I totally stole this from a friend of mine, but it is no less true!)  Some days you just can't deal with certain people on the phone, and some folks should never be spoken to on the phone at all.  For example, if you work for the NC State Alumni Association, DO NOT CALL MY HOUSE.  Thank you in advance-- my children don't need to learn anymore colorful language from me.  
  8. I am thankful that I'm underpaid?  Huh?!  I'm not saying that I wouldn't accept a larger paycheck-- I am worth more than the $19K I earn as a resource TA.  I am.  BUT.  I almost feel like I have to prove my worth at work, and that makes me better at my job.  More importantly, when I walk out the front door of the school at the end of every day, I leave my work at work.  That $19K I earn does not make me feel obligated in ANY way to worry about work at home.  I am free to be Mommy and nothing else, with no guilt attached.  Also, on a completely different note, being underpaid makes me more mindful of my frivolity, too, which never hurts either.
  9. I am thankful for my redneck roots.  I have those roots to thank for my "foreign" accent, my willingness to abandon all pretenses of being a lady to speak my mind and get dirty when necessary, and my ingenuity.  And by ingenuity, I mean creative problem-solving.  I learned early on to make do with what I have, like duct-taping together the vacuum hose for better suction.  Or setting up an archery range in the garage when I live in a townhouse community, so that I can practice more than once a week.  I'm sure HOA would totally approve of my set up. 
  10. I am thankful for the times that Hubby nags me.  It doesn't happen often, but when he does he is ALWAYS right.  He only nags me in cases where I'm not looking out for my own good, or when he wants me to try something new.  The nagging always comes from a caring place, even if I don't want to admit it.
  11. I am thankful for critics and commenters on my blog.  I figure if my writing compels someone to respond in any way at all, then I must be doing something right here.  Keep commenting and complaining, my friends.  It makes me thrive!

See-- don't you just feel all warm and fuzzy with gratitude after reading that?!  It's just how we roll around here.  :)

What unlikely things are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?  


  1. Never thought I would say this...I am thankful for screw top wine especially when travelling. :D

    Gobble, gobble to you and yours! DI

    1. I agree! And as for those crazy co-workers, I hope I'm on that list ;-)

    2. Of course you are, Dolores! You're one of my favorite of all crazies! :)

  2. Caller id! Genius! :)

  3. Great list. Totally jealous of your caller ID, but I'm too cheap to have it. Although I do have it on my cell phone, but nobody ever calls my cell phone so it's not helping me out much! :)

  4. New follower from Aloha. I would love for you to hop over and check us out as well. Also, I host a weekly Link-up, wed-fri, and I would love for you to add some of your great posts.

  5. I am COMPLETELY bored with the obligatory thankful sentiments that abound on social media. I was too afraid to put it into words. So glad you were more brave than me. Because of this, I am thankful for this post!!
