Friday, August 10, 2012

This Week's Hairbrained Musings (11)

Another week of moments and musings.

Sorry, y'all-- Buddy is taking a photo break this week.  :)

*Someone needs to explain to my daughter that the moisture in her underwear is most certainly NOT humidity, because she won't listen to me.  Can you say euphemism?!

*Thunder is the only non-edible thing I have found that can make my dog run at full speed.  Same goes for my kids.

*Some people should only have to be endured in small doses.  Too much time with a "small-doses" person turns me into a small-doses person!  It ain't pretty.

*Big things come in small packages, like stinky farts in young children, STDs in Thai hookers, and the size 16 woman wearing size 10 mesh athletic shorts that walks laps on the track near my house.

*Nothing is more relaxing than the sounds of guests leaving.  I enjoy having company, but I enjoy the silence after they're gone equally as much.

*Yarn and a crochet hook helps me relax just as well as a glass of wine.  However, the wine makes me a lot more interesting company at parties.

*My sister accidentally introduced my girls to the terms "shart" and "nad sweat" this week.  I can't wait to read that note from their third grade teachers.  Maybe I should forward this post to them as a warning of what's to come... hmmm.

*The list of items that the school expects each student to bring for the classroom supply closet is getting out of hand.  They ask for so many glue sticks that I wonder if they serve them for snack.  And why are the most expensive pencils ever made the kind they ask for on the list?!  I realize they have Microban technology to "reduce the transmission of germs", but it would be cheaper to take my kids to the doctor than it is to buy the stinkin' pencils.

*There has to be a more polite way to tell someone that they smell bad, other than "Dude, you smell like ass", and I'm sure there is--  but I haven't figured out a more effective way yet!

*I'm not sure what it means, but Princess assures me that if Hubby were a cat, he'd have tiny cat boobies.  She says it like he should be flattered, so we'll just leave it at that.  I really don't want to know.

Until next time...


  1. I know right? At what point do they finally learn to wipe right?

  2. I tell my son all the time he smells like ass... HE DOES!!

    1. :D I used to tend bar, and I had to let more than a couple of people in on the secret that they smelled foul! At least with our children, we can force the issue a bit!

  3. OM Freakin' this! And the Deja Poo? Yep, love that too! Following you from the Blog Hop at You Know it Happens at Your House Too!

  4. I am your newest follower. Over from the blog hop! I thought your blog name was great so I came to visit and your post is funny too. I am looking forward to keeping in touch.

    1. Glad you had a laugh! We always have plenty of crazy to go around here. :)

  5. Haha.. Miss Amanda you took MY comment idea!!! This was hilarious and thoroughly enjoyed

  6. LOL tiny cat boobies. Needed a good laugh this morning, Christina. Thanks!


  7. Yeah, what's with those glue sticks? Freakin' 30 of 'em for the 1st graders. Multiply that by the 25 or so kids in the class, and that's like, a whole hell of a lot. 750? That's more than 2 per day, or, as my husband just pointed out, ”that's nothing to sniff at.” *groan*

  8. I enjoy and comment on your blog, and I created one of my own to be fair and share. You can find me here

  9. hahhahah can just picture you at a rip roaring party with your crochet hook ... I generally stick with wine :-)

    1. Hey, girlie-- I was just over at "your place" to see what's new since the poofy headboard! Good to hear from you lady. :) Loved your passion-killing garage shoes, btw!

  10. bwahahhaha!! cat boobies...there were so many things to comment about but the last one just threw me off them completely!!

    Please let me know if you can politely tell some one they stink!! I have a couple of friends who give me a headache when I'm near them!

  11. Hello! I found you from the TGIF blog hop. Loved your comment about crocheting and wine. Have you ever tried drinking wine while crocheting? I bet you would come out with some AWESOME looking projects!!

  12. BAHAHAHA! This is brilliant! I'm going to have to start using this with my husband because he always says, "Feels like I've heard this crap before." Love it! Just found your blog and have enjoyed getting to know you better. I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)
