Saturday, July 14, 2012

This Week's Hairbrained Musings (7)

Another week of moments and musings...

*An 8-hr car trip with two very unenthusiastic 8 year-old passengers is the stuff drinking-problems are made of.  It may also be the precursor to a straight jacket and a thorazine drip.

*Keeping a stitched up dog off the sofa is damn-near impossible!  Try to explain to Fido how, when he feels his absolute worst, that he may no longer have the most comfy seat in the house!

*On a similar note, staples in your dog's belly does not, in fact, quell his amorous feeling for the sofa cushions.  Or your shoulder.  Or your leg.  Damn, that's some good pain medication!

*Nothing makes an activity more interesting to your child than telling her she's not allowed to do it!  Except for cleaning her room-- of course, that is the one activity that she requests be off limits.

*Taxidermy fascinates my kids.  Birdie has put in a special request with her Granddaddy for a real-live bunny head mounted on a walking stick.  'Cuz that's not weird or anything.

*I am destined to be a life-long insomniac.  Even Ambien seems to be useless-- and if I am going to wake up feeling intoxicated and groggy in the morning, I'd like to have more fun getting that way!  Please?

*Apparently, the new thing to do at highway rest stops is to take pictures of other folks' dogs.  My Buddy had his picture taken three times at two different stops.  That's weird, isn't it?

*If you ever have a question, need advise, or want to know the best way to do anything, ask an eight year-old.  They may not know what the hell they're talking about, but they will still answer, and they will answer with conviction.  In the last week, my girls have given me advice on: cooking burgers, administering medication to a dog, yard maintenance, getting lizards out of the garage, packing for a long car trip, and getting paint stains out of clothing.  Of course, they didn't help me do any of these things, they just told me how-- so very helpful.

Until next time...


  1. i sort of wish i could assure you that they quit telling you how to do things but i cant. my 17 year old even tells me how to drive now!!! hope you can keep your sanity better than I! haha.

    1. I have a hard time imagining my girls at 17 right now... that's probably a good thing, right?

  2. I love the dog. However, I've stopped by to let you know I've given you the Sunshine Blogger Award. Check out my post here:

  3. Hi there! Love love love your site! I have also nominated you for the Sunshine Award! You have good fans! Check out your nomination here:

    Thanks for sharing on your site, and I hope you check out mine!

  4. This is a GREAT post I loved this, especially as a first time visitor is was great!! I love that your kids are into taxidermy, I swear every child has something morbid they're obsessed with lol!!!

    I am a new follower from the Monday Mingle hop, lovely to meet you!

    1. Thanks for riding the Crazy Train-- we are glad to have ya! I will go check your site out now!

  5. Great post! I'm an insomniac for life as well lol

    New follower from the hop! Hope you get a chance to check out my blog <3

    xo, Jersey Girl

  6. Oh too funny! I feel at home here. I think I will sign up for your crazy train and ride for a while! So glad to have found your blog!

  7. Hi, I'm a new follower via the Monday Mingle! Love your insights...who would have thought!! I do have experience with the free advice by an eight year old though!!!

  8. Were the people at the rest stop Asian? We Japanese like to take pictures and are known for our cameras. ;P

    1. LOL! There were no Asian people involved in these photog sessions, just a couple of rest stop attendants, two guys in a jacked up pick-up truck with a Harley Davidson decal, and a dude with so few teeth that he had to ask me three times if he could take the picture before I even understood what he was saying!
